Face-to-face learning is hugely important in the learning and development process for any student. There are, however, many occasions in which it's not feasible for teacher and student to be in the same place at the same time - to be co-located - so, it is necessary to employ the most appropriate tools to facilitate virtual learning.

The COVID-19 crisis, in particular, has necessitated virtual learning. Clarion Call can help you navigate through a variety of virtual learning tools and identify and deploy the one most appropriate for you.

Clarion Call are specialists in Moodle deployment, a tried and tested solution. Alternatively, you may want to consider Google Classroom, an under-one-roof virtual learning environment that's sometimes referred to as 'Software as a Service', (SaaS).

Whether it's synchronous learning, such as live-casting to students, or asynchronous learning that may require a pre-recorded video or audio stream in addition to text copy, graphics, multiple choice questionnaires, we can help you.

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